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22 March 2011

Men's Smart Brown Dress Shoes. Timeless Mens Shoe Fashion!

Men's Smart Brown Dress Shoes. Timeless Mens Shoe Fashion!

Even though it might not seem like it at times, 21st century man is without any question of doubt, better turned out than all the generations before him. But for some reason only known to men themselves, when it comes to the shoes they put on their feet, they’re still pretty clueless! Chosen with care, mens dress shoes can really transform his appearance from ordinary to outstanding, yet modern day mens shoe fashion seems to have little room for well made formal footwear! Feet do get noticed chaps, ask any woman! so in a world of unisex clothing, just what kind of footwear is considered best dressed mens shoes fashion, and what kind of guy wears them?

There's nothing new about the ever changing world of fashion, and that includes footwear. Every generation thinks that their clothing and hair styles were the bees knees of all time, but the bottom line is that everything was just how it was supposed to be during any particular era. Despite the disapproval that the older generations have with today's teens and twenties, the fact of the matter is they are cleaner and better groomed that Dad or Granddad ever was. Okay, so mens shoes fashion has gone all

shoes of the modern age. It's inevitable though that casual footwear of today will soon make way again for the more formal men's dress shoe. Formal footwear will never die, just take a breather for a few seasons, just as the formal suit has done in the past.Although smart and somewhat formal in their design, mens dress shoes are still in the height of footwear fashion. There's somewhat of a misconception by many younger people that only the casual hip footwear of the day could possibly be labled as cool. Wrong! Formal men's footwear can still be hip shoes for men feet! Fashion has no boundaries and even the most formal of footwear can be considered chic and au courant in its given category. Men dress shoes fashion is here and its happening. What's more, apart from giving the wearer a touch of class and sophistication, a quality pair of mens best dress shoes will take care of your feet better, and for longer, than most causal informal footwear ever could.
Those who know anything about the male style and attire will understand that mens dress shoes fashions are not the reserved right of the middle aged and older brigade. Casual is nice and has its place, but boys, teens, and mens dress shoes will bring on admiring glances and respect for a well turned out, well groomed, individual, irrespective of age group. Both boys and men dress shoes, fashion the feet, and in the eyes of the ladies (or gals), it is the footwear, not the underwear, that maketh the man in 2011. And if that man happens to have a pair of beautifully made Italian dress shoes on his feet, then the class will just ooze out of the aura that surrounds his person!

Oddly enough, a lot of wives and girlfriends care more about what's on their man's feet than the clothes on his back, yet footwear is less obvious. But shouldn't a man be the one who decides the right mens shoes fashion for his feet? One would think so, and you could just imagine what kind of response would be had if the man tried to tell his lovely lady what shoes she should be wearing. But the truth of the matter is that we men don't really know what's best for us when it comes to men casual footwear, or men's dress shoe styles. This is probably why us big boys are happy to let the better half in our life dress us!

Ever heard the saying, It's the little things that make a big difference? Well it's true. Sometimes those small differences can be so subtle that you will not notice them individually, but there will be something you like with say a shirt with one type of button when compared to an identical shirt fitted with a subtly different button. You might not know why you prefer one against the other, all you will know is that for some reason you have a preference. Its' the same for fashion in men's dress shoe as it is for the shirt. Take note of the detail and the quality, and you will be dressed to impress.
Hip Footwear Says: Man Dress Shoes Dress the Man. But try telling the men that!
Most of us know at least one person that will look like they've just been dragged through a hedge backwards no matter what clothes they put on their back or shoes on their feet. It's a strange but true phenomenon. If these types of men have any chance of looking halfway presentable, then the only option they have is to let someone else dress them, although not literally of course! Ever heard the saying, 'Mum knows Best?' Well so do wives, girlfriends, sisters, or any other female on the planet. Let them choose mens shoes fashion and find the best dress shoes for you. It's your only hope!
There are still many male slobs out there, which is good news for those of you looking to improve your chances with the ladies. There is nothing more appealing to most women than a well dressed man, and whether you believe it or not, a woman's eye starts from the shoes up, and not the neck down, when she's checking out your attire. For many men, casual footwear rules the day, but you'd better make sure its clean, hip, and trendy. And for those bachelors out there who are a little more advanced in years, then mens shoes fashion are still the shiny leather best dress shoes, supported by a smart pair of slacks.
So just how do we Judge A Man by his Shoes?
This month, we're going to take a look at how society judges a man by his shoes. So important in this ground level detail, that it can determine whether you want to get to know the person better or not. This is the start of a miniseries and for this week we will look at the man in designer athletic shoes (we’ll move on to formal dress shows later in the series.
If the guy sports a nice pair of brand name athletic shoes on his feet, you will know right away that he is hip, most likely fit and healthy, and he will have enough cash to take out a date for a drink, nice meal, and perhaps even more if the relationship blossoms. In other words, he's probably not strapped for a bob or two

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